Layadi, ILyas2022-11-062022-11-062022-06-03MTM/341http:// our time, transport is one of the greatest problems that disrupts progress in various areas. In our work we admit studied the problem of transport related to the cooperative of cereals and pulses and proposed a mathematical model for the problem of multi-objective transpor, to serve our theme we recalled the notions of basics related to multi-objective optimization and also the problem of mono and multi-objective transport.enoptimisation, probl`eme multi objectif, solutions, transport multi-objectifs, offre, demande, mod´elisation .dddddd Etude d’un probl`eme de transport multi-objectif Cas ´ de Coop´erative des C´er´eales et Legumes Secs (CCLS) de B.B.AThesis