Asma BEN CHABANE, BEN CHABANE2024-09-232024-09-232024MM/829http:// work focuses on the use of a mobile sink to improve data collection in wireless sensor networks (WSN). We considered application scenarios involving event-driven data collection and random movement of the sink. In such cases, the need arises to implement a solution that continuously provides sensor nodes with the most up-to-date position of the sink. To address this issue, we proposed our own solution, named EMSPU, which stands for «Efficient Mobile Sink Position Update Protocol». This solution provides the necessary answers to various questions posed by updating the sink’s position and data collection, specifically : determining which network nodes should continuously maintain the most recent position of the sink, the method for updating this position while minimizing the communication load caused by the update, and finally, the collection process each sensor node should follow when it wants to send its data to the sink. To validate our solution, we integrated it into the NS-3 simulator and compared it with the baseline solution. Various experiments were conducted, yielding very positive results.frWSN, mobile sink, energy efficiency, network lifetime, NS-3.Collection efficace des données par puits mobile dans un réseau de capteurs sans filThesis