Messaouda Diafat, Rachda Derbal2023-10-252023-10-252023http:// Due to the internet, EFL Learners and educators have been conferred a wide range of effective authentic EFL Sources. Authentic Videos are one of the widespread materials that are frequently involved in the EFL contexts. These videos have been acknowledged for their efficiency in enhancing the EFL learner’s oral fluency .Consequently, the current study intends to examine the attitudes of third-year English students at Mohamed El Bachir El Ibrahimi University toward the use of Authentic Videos as a technique to improve their oral fluency. In addition to accomplish, the purposes of this study, a qualitative approach was used in an exploratory design. In line with this fifty (50) English third-year students were required to respond to a questionnaire. The research findings revealed that the students have convenient attitudes toward the use of Authentic Videos in enhancing their oral fluencyEFL Students’ Attitudes towards Enhancing Oral Fluency through Using Authentic Videos Case of Third Year Students at Mohamed El Bachir El Ibrahimi UniversityThesis