BOURIA MOHAMMED AMOKRANE  BACHA MOHAMED2022-11-092022-11-092022-06-25http:// thesis concerns a numerical study of the simple swirling air jet, applied to thermal comfort in residential premises. The objective of this work is to improve the efficiency of air diffusion in the occupied zone at a lower cost, by a passive means of control. Two turbulence models were tested to improve the predictions of the turbulence models: the Smagorinski-Lilly (LES/S-L) model and the Wall-Adapting Local Eddy-Viscosity (LES/WALE) model to choose the most appropriate model for this type of flow. The results obtained with the turbulence model (LES/S-L), agree with the experimental results. They show interest in the characterization of this type of jet for its application to HVAC systems (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning). Keyword: swirling –jet, HVAC system, comfort.frKeyword: swirling –jet, HVAC system, comfort.tude numérique dynamique d'un jet d'air tourbillonnaire : Amélioration de la diffusion d'air dans les immeubles résidentielsThesis