شريف ايمانقدوار رانيا2025-02-042025-02-04https://dspace.univ-bba.dz/handle/123456789/28مذكرة لنيل شهادة الماستر تخصص قانون أعمال جامعة محمد البشير الإبراهيميProof and revealing the truth are considered among the most important issues that receive the attention of the judge, and because achieving this goal requires establishing sufficient evidence that the crime was committed and attributing it to its perpetrator, truth without establishing evidence of it is considered equal and nonexistence, and despite the fact that in this era we are witnessing a decline. Traditional means and methods of proof, which led to the use of modern scientific methods in the field of expertise. However, some of them cannot be dispensed with, such as witness testimony, which is decisive evidence in the course of the case. This is what made the Algerian legislator, in the latest amendment to the Code of Criminal Procedure, in Order N 02/15, state Witnesses and experts are subject to procedural and non-procedural protection measures, according to the text of Article 65 bis 19 et seq. Keywords: witnesses, proof, authenticity of testimony, judgeاثبات الشهادةالتشريع الجزائريالشهادة كدليل اثبات في المواد الجزائية وفق التشريع الجزائريThesis