Bouaissi, Mohamed Elamine2022-11-232022-11-232022-06-22MTM/336http:// this memory we will present the basics of Analysis on a Non-Archimedean Valued fields, and giving examples, and prove properties of the non-Archimedean Banach spaces by giving some examples. we devote to the basic properties of bounded and unbounded linear operators on non-Archimedean Banach spaces, and generalized convergence of closable unbounded linear operators.enNon-Archimedean Valued fields, Banach spaces, non-Archimedean Banach spaces, linear operators, bounded and unbounded linear operators, gap, convergence.Mots-clés : Corps Valué Non- archimédiens, espaces de Banach, espaces de Banach non archimédiens, opérateurs linéaires, opérateurs linéaires bornés et non bornés, gap, convergence.Les opérateurs linéaires bornés sur les espaces de Banach Non-Archimédien "Bounded Linear operators on non-archimedean Banach spaces"Thesis