The partnership limited by shares is a commercialcompany according toits form and was brought by the Algerianlegislator under Legislative Decree 93-08, which he definedindirectly in Article 715 III, and the partnership limited byshares includes two teams of partners, limited partners and jointpartners, and the legislator has set the minimum number ofpartners at 4 Partners, including at least one general partner, andthe partnership limited by shares is established in two ways, either by public recourse to savings or without public recourseto saving, that is, it is established in the same way as a jointstock company. The position of the manager, and the task of monitoring the company is carried out by three bodies, which are the supervisory board, the general assembly and the accounts representative, The company is terminated in shares for general and other special reasons, and its termination results in it entering the stage of liquidation and dividing its assets.