The protection of the shareholder in a corporation necessarilyrequires the protection of hisfundamentalrightsacquired by possession of a share in the company. Theserightsmaybemonetary, such as the right to the benefit and administrative, such as the right look and access to various administrative documents of the company, as well as the right to vote and participation in general meetings.
However, conflictsprevailing in the society of due to conflictingvestedinterests, particularlydraw by the Act of the majoritythatgoverns and manages the company, sometimesleading to the loss of thoserights. This necessarilyrequires the deployment of efforts both by the legislature and the magistrate in order to consolidatetheserights by mechanismsdevoid of ambiguity. These efforts willensure a perfect and full protection for any abuse thatitis the work of the majorityor the m on the shareholder...
Keywords: Company, shareholder protection, rights, abuse, minority, majority, interest, law, justice.