Data mining is a data analysis technique that uncovers hidden information and relationships between data. It is used to extract useful information from large amounts of unstructured data. Our study particularly focused on ...
FANET is considered a subset of MANET. However, due to the high mobility and rapid topology changes in FANET, the application of routing protocols in FANET is a significant challenge. In this work, we propose a new mechanism ...
FANET is considered a subset of MANET. However, due to the high mobility and rapid topology changes in FANET, the application of routing protocols in FANET is a significant challenge. In this work, we propose a new mechanism ...
This project focuses on creating a Telegram bot specifically designed to manage online training groups. Inspired by advances in robotics, this tool aims to overcome challenges encountered in online learning environments, ...
One of the major challenges faced by doctors is making decisions regarding disease related
to the patient’s condition. Our topic addresses one of the problems related to this, which is :
can data be further used to improve ...
BOUCHELAL, Amel; SELAMA, Fateh Mohammed Chaouki(UNIVERSITY BBA, 2024)
This thesis aims to address a major challenge in cancer research, namely the identification
of the most relevant genes for cancer classification. To achieve this, a three-step approach
was adopted. Firstly, classification ...
In this work, we focus on real-time routing in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) and the
Prolongation of their operational lifetime. Specifically, we aim to find a solution that minimizes
energy consumption in WSNs as well ...
High utility item set extraction (HUIM) is an important problem in data mining, consisting of combinations of items that significantly impact a specific metric such as sales or profits. Faced with the exponential growth ...
Emotion analysis and emotional computing have attracted much interest in various research fields in recent decades, particularly with the emergence of problems concerning users' psychological health such as stress, anxiety ...
Traditional prison identification methods, such as RFID, wristbands, and fingerprinting, have many defects and shortcomings. For this reason, we propose a new system that uses facial recognition and ArUco marker technologies, ...
Dans un contexte où l’organisation efficace des documents est cruciale en raison de la saturation informationnelle, la langue arabe présente des défis spécifiques pour la catégorisation automatique en raison de sa complexité ...
With advancements in data analysis and processing techniques, the release of micro-data for
research purposes, such as disease outbreak studies or economic pattern analysis, has become
prevalent. However, these datasets, ...
This thesis is devoted to the study of two problems related to the theory of
control of PDE.
In a first and second time, we study two nonlinear Euler-Bernoulli beams with a neutral
type delay and viscoelastic, using ...
This thesisconsistsoftwoimportantparts,thefirstoneisdevotedtothe
study oftheupperboundonthenumberoflimitcyclesthatcanbecreatedfrom
three differentnon-linearfamiliesofdiscontinuouspiecewisedifferentialsystems
separated ...
In thisdissertation,wedealwiththeproblemofsimulatingstochasticdifferentialequations
driven byBrownianmotionorthegeneralL´evy processes.First,weestablishthebasic
theory ofstochasticcalculusandintroducetheIt ˆo-Taylorexp ...
Data mining is a critical process in the discovery of knowledge from data. Its primary objective
is to extract interesting patterns that implicitly indicate significant relationships between
items. Different branches of ...
La reconnaissance de formes et la classification automatique sont des domaines de recherche très actifs, dont l'objectif principal est de développer des systèmes intelligents capables d'apprendre et de reconnaître des ...
Hemici, Meriem(Université de Bordj Bou Arreridj Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, 2024-02-22)
The research activity of this research falls under two major themes: multi objective optimization and supply chain management (SCM). Multiobjective
optimization is a branch of combinatorial optimization whose specificity ...