This study attempts to investigate EFL teachers' effective classroom strategies and first year
university students' apprehension in learning the English language. It focuses on the
effectiveness of classroom strategies made by EFL teachers and the students' apprehension in
learning English language in first year university ' classes. This study has contained two parts,
theoretical part which tackles the dominance and spread of the English language in the world and
its ability to take a prominent place in the societies of other countries. Several EFL teaching
strategies that are used in the first year English classes and their effectiveness to make learning
more successful and discussed the problem of apprehension in learning English. Also it
investigates the causes and factors behind this problem as well as, concluded by trying to find
solutions for this issue. The second part is a practical one for collecting data in which we used
the quantitative questionnaire for first year university students at Mohamed Al Bachir Al
Ibrahimi (169 students). And an interview was addressed to first year English teachers of BBA
University (3 teachers with different experiences in teaching). The aim of this study is to know
which classroom strategies EFL teachers use to teach first year English university students. How
could the strategy be effective? What are the causes and factors of student’s apprehension? How
does a first year university student overcome his / her apprehension in learning the English
language? While both of EFL teachers and learners have to develop the teaching and learning
process. While the great responsibility rests with the teacher as he/she is the monitor, the
instructor and the guide. When teaching English as a foreign language, teachers should teach the
English language by using various strategies to increase the motivation of the students to study
the English Language. Moreover, they should work to increase the interaction between them and
the students. We hope that this study will be useful to both first year English teachers and
students of BBA University and find support for them