Dépôt Institutionnel de l'Université BBA

Manipulation des données multilingues dans l'analyse des sentiments

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dc.contributor.author DEBAB, Wafa
dc.contributor.author DJERBOA, Zohra
dc.date.accessioned 2024-09-23T09:59:19Z
dc.date.available 2024-09-23T09:59:19Z
dc.date.issued 2024
dc.identifier.issn MM/828
dc.identifier.uri https://dspace.univ-bba.dz:443/xmlui/handle/123456789/5438
dc.description.abstract This end-of-studies project focuses on the effective management of the large volume of multilingual consumer comments and reviews for companies and project leaders. Based on sentiment analysis and text mining, the study explores different approaches, such as neural networks, SVMs, logistic regression, Bayes Naive, decision trees and random forests, to process data in French and English. A detailed comparison of these methods is made to determine the most suitable for sentiment analysis and multilingual text mining. In addition, two distinct scanning methods, tf-idf and one-hot vector coding, are being tested to assess their effectiveness in analyzing multilingual data en_US
dc.language.iso fr en_US
dc.publisher UNIVERSITY BBA en_US
dc.subject Fouille de texte, analyse de sentiments, réseaux neuronaux, classification, comparaison, prédiction, données multilingue. en_US
dc.subject Text mining, sentiment analysis, neural networks, classification, comparison, prediction, multilingual data en_US
dc.title Manipulation des données multilingues dans l'analyse des sentiments en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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