Un nouveau protocole de routage à état de lien basé sur l'énergie et le débit pour les réseaux FANETs


FANET is considered a subset of MANET. However, due to the high mobility and rapid topology changes in FANET, the application of routing protocols in FANET is a significant challenge. In this work, we propose a new mechanism to establish stable and high-throughput paths between communicators. We applied this mechanism to the OLSR protocol by modifying the selection of MPRs (Multi point Relay) based on the residual energy and throughput of the nodes. Our protocol, named DEOLSR (Throughput Energy OLSR), significantly reduces communication interruptions between communicators and decreases the packet loss rate of data. Simulation results clearly show that DEOLSR effectively improves established paths in terms of throughput and durability, and reduces data loss.



FANET (Réseau Ad-Hoc volant), QOS (qualité de service), NS-3, Simulation., FANET (Flying Ad-Hoc Network), QoS (Quality of Service), NS-3, Simulation.




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