Contribution à l’étude de la biodiversité floristique des écosystèmes forestiers de la région de Bordj Bou Arreridj Cas de Bordj Zemmoura
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The floristic inventory of the Bordj Zemmoura forest (wilaya of Bordj Bou Arreridj)
allows to highlight the presence of 30 species belonging to 27 genera and 18 families, the
mostre presented and that of Fabaceae (7 species), dominated by the Mediterranean elements
(50%); this flora is biologically characterized by the dominance of Chaméphytes (35%).
The analysis of floristicdiversity by the AFC allows to classify species according to
their existence, of which : Quercus ilex. Pinus halepensis, Juniperus oxycedrus, Calycotome
spinosa et Ampelodesma mauritanicum are the most frequent.
The collection of bibliographic and field data on this biodiversity should be followed
by other forest inventories.
Keywords: Bordj Zemmoura, forest, floristicdiversity, floristicinventory, species.
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