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The solution of the extended 16th Hilbert problem for some classes of piecewise differential systems.

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dc.contributor.author AHTATACHE, FERIEL
dc.date.accessioned 2022-11-03T08:20:17Z
dc.date.available 2022-11-03T08:20:17Z
dc.date.issued 2022
dc.identifier.issn MTM/311
dc.identifier.uri https://dspace.univ-bba.dz:443/xmlui/handle/123456789/2257
dc.description.abstract Our work is divided in two parts, the first part consists in solving the second part of the sixteenth Hilbert problem of a family of discontinuous piecewise linear differential systems formed by an arbitrary linear center and one of the sixth Hamiltonian nilpotent saddles separated by the straight line x = 0. The second part focuses on finding the maximum number of limit cycles of discontinuous piecewise differential potential cubic systems and one of the three cubic isochronous differential. Knowing that we achieved our objective by relying on the first integrals. هذه المذكرة تنقسم الى قسمٌن حٌث انه فً القسم االول قمنا بحل الجزء الثانً من مسالة هلبرت النظمة تفاضلٌة غٌر مستمرة ومتقطعة تشمل جمل تفاضلٌة ذات مركز خطً وواحدة من جمل تفاضلٌة لهاملتون التً تقبل نقطة توازن عدٌمة القوى ومن نوع سرج . فً القسم الثانً قمنا باٌجاد العدد االقصى لدورات الحد المعزولة النظمة تفاضلٌة غٌر مستمرة ومتقطعة من النوع نظام القوة التكعٌبً وواحدة من ثالث جمل التفاضلٌة المتزامنة وذلك باستعمال التكامالت االولى لها. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Université de Bordj Bou Arreridj Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science en_US
dc.subject Limit cycle, potential cubic differential system, Hamiltonian differential systems with nilpotent saddles, Linear center, cubic isochronous differential systems. en_US
dc.title The solution of the extended 16th Hilbert problem for some classes of piecewise differential systems. en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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