Evaluation de l’activité antioxydante de la bave d’Helix aspersa.


These last years, the discovery of new therapeutic agents has become an interesting goal for researchers and the study of various bioactive components of invertebrates is extremely relevant. For this question the mucus snail Helix aspersa which belongs to the Helicidae family was distinguished because their multiple functions. The objective of this study is to evaluate the antioxidant activity of snail slime Helix aspersa. The extraction of snail slime by the heat shock technique reveals that the yield decreases where the volumes recovered from two extractions are respectively 60ml and 28ml. The richness of Helix aspersa mucus with glycoproteins shows a density of about 1,45 g/ml. The quantitative evaluation of the scavenging power of extract with respect to DPPH confirms that the slime has antioxidant activity with an inhibition percentage of approximately 41,63%, however the β- carotene bleaching test reveals that the extract has a very negligible inhibitory activity of about 6%. Results obtained show that the snail slime Helix aspersa has an antioxidant activity depending on its chemical composition.






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