الأجناس الشعبية في مسردية "غنائية الحب و الدم " لعز الدين جلاوجي
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جامعة محمد البشير الابراهيمي - برج بوعريريج -
General summary:
In this note, the study focused on the popular genres in the glossary of Ezzedine Jalawji, and the glossary is considered "Lyricism of Love and Blood" because it is rich in folk genres, including biography, legend, folk song, tale, riddle, and judgment, so that the reader senses the intensity of good human feelings such as love, loyalty, and Generosity, and evil ones such as betrayal and treachery, so our study of this glossary was according to a plan consisting of an introduction and two chapters, and this remembrance was crowned at the end with a conclusion that contained the most important findings.
Keywords: folk genres - narratives - Ezzedine Jalawji - lyricism of