الضمانات المستحدثة لدعم الاستثمار في ظل قانون 22-18

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مكتبة كلية الحقوق و العلوم السياسية جامعة محمد البشير الابراهيمي برج بوعريريج


The Algerian legislator dealt with investment law through several legal texts, given its effective role, and the latest law is Law No. 22-18 related to the development and encouragement of investment, What distinguishes this law from other laws is that it includes a set of provisions and concepts that were not clear or not precisely organized in previous laws, Therefore, through our study, we seek to shed light in order to clarify the role of guarantees, mechanisms, and benefits granted to the investor to attract national and foreign investments, by addressing the guarantees related to granting rights, privileges, and financial incentives to the investor, In addition to the guarantees related to the development of new investment mechanisms, our study showed that Investment Law 18-22 came with new guarantees, such as ensuring the protection of intellectual property rights, The benefits included restructuring the incentive systems, restricting the tasks of the National Investment Council, and establishing single windows at the Algerian Investment Promotion Agency, without forgetting its creation of the digital platform for the investor and the Supreme Committee for Appeals.


مذكرة لنيل شهادة الماستر تخصص قانون أعمال جامعة محمد البشير الإبراهيمي






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