Using Educational Games as a Teaching Technique to Develop EFL Learner’s Vocabulary Knowledge The Case Study of First Year Pupils at Lorak Brothers Middle School
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جامعة محمد البشير الابراهيمي - برج بوعريريج -
Despite the necessity and relevance of vocabulary in all language, this part of the language
actually receives less attention than the other parts of language. As a result, it is less
motivating for students to rely solely on their daily routines to improve their vocabulary
storage. As the meanings of new words are frequently highlighted, vocabulary learning is seen
as both a necessary and challenging component in learning any foreign language. Because of
this, teachers of English should employ practical strategies to maintain student’s interest and
excitement for language. One of these techniques is to teach vocabulary more efficiently via
educational games. Therefore, the goal of the current research study is to investigate the effect
of using educational games on learner’s vocabulary knowledge. The research was conducted
at Brothers Lourak Middle School in Borj Bou Arreridj. The study population consisted of
125 students and the sample consisted of 44 students who were between the age of twelve and
thirteen. It dealt with 1st year EFL pupils and all of them were nonnative speakers. The
participants were divided into two groups; a control and an experimental group. The
experimental group received instruction through educational games, whereas the control
group was instructed through a traditional manner, and both groups were given access to a
vocabulary-based test that was presented as a pre-test and a post-test. The investigation was
based on a quasi-experimental design. The data was analyzed in order to see whether the
findings are positive or negative concerning the effect of educational games as a teaching
technique to develop learners’ vocabulary. The findings suggest that using educational games
as a teaching technique is effective in enhancing students’ vocabulary. The experimental
group outperformed the control group in the post-test, and inferential statistics proved a
statistically significant difference between the two groups