Investigating the Effectiveness of Teaching Grammar through Text-Based Instruction Case Study of Third Year Pupils at 1 November 1954 Secondary School, Bordj Bou Arreridj

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جامعة محمد البشير الابراهيمي - برج بوعريريج -


This study investigates the effectiveness of text-based instruction (TBI) on grammar teaching, tries to discover whether secondary school teachers integrate TBI in teaching grammar andexplores the teachers‟ proficiency in implementing the TBI in grammar teaching. In order to achieve these objectives. A field study was conducted in in 1 November 1954 secondary school in BordjBouArreridj for the academic year 2022/2023. A mixed-method approach was adopted, and the data was collected && pupils‟ questionnaire and teachers‟ interview. The pupils‟ questionnaire was submitted to third-year secondary school pupils. After that, the whole population (60 participants) was selected as the study sample. Concerning the interview, it has been done with five teachers from 1 November 1954 secondary school, and three other teachers from other secondary schools in BBA.The study revealed that secondary school teachers integrate the TBI in grammar lessons and their application of the method is appropriate. Moreover, using the text-based instruction is effective on grammar teaching. These results answer the research questions






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