Project work as a Learner Centered task in EFL Learners at the secondary school level Case study: second year scientific learners at Malek Ben Nabi high school
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جامعة محمد البشير الابراهيمي - برج بوعريريج -
Foremost, I thank Allah for letting us live to see this thesis through. We would like to
give our warmest thanks to our supervisor Mr. Habitouch Mustapha who made this work
possible. His guidance carried us through all the stages of writing our dissertation and valuable
comment. To Miss Asma Touati, many thanks for her good treatment and continuous
cooperation we would like to thank our teachers, family and colleagues who supported and
believed in us throughout our journey.
Finally, we would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to our dear parents for their
support, guidance and prayers throughout our lives.V
Project work is a work that focuses on completing a task as a strategy in new teaching
approach. It leads the students achieve their learning process with their own study or selfmonitoring by preparing a tangible work during a period of time individually in Pairs or in
groups. Project work has become an increasingly popular feature within the ELT classroom
based on the competency based approach. It is reliable and valid framework around which to
base a series of classroom activities. The Algerian educational system has recently adopted the
Project-Based Learning (PBL) in the teaching and learning of English in the secondary school
since 2004 as part of its educational reforms. This present study attempts to investigate the role
of PBL implementation in engaging second year scientific students of Malek Ben Nabi
secondary school in Bordj Bou Arreridj in the learning process. More precisely, this study aims
to show how PBL affects the students' performance in acquiring English as a foreign language.
This is based on the main hypothesis, which says that PBL implementation in secondary schools
can enhance second year EFL students' level. For the collection of data, the study has employed
a mixed-method approach. In order to validate the hypothesis, the present study put into practice
two data collection tools, namely, pupils' questionnaire and a classroom observation checklist.
Pupils found difficulties during the implementation of the project, they confirmed that the
project makes them reinvest their previous knowledge. The majority of the observed pupils
were interested and motivated to successfully carry out the project work. Accordingly, this
factors revealed the effects on pupil's self-centered learning