Faculté des lettres et des langues
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Item Adopter un enseignement explicite des composantes(جامعة محمد البشير الابراهيمي -برج بوعريريج, 2019) سعيداني عبد الكريمItem Analyse De La Compétence Grammaticale De La Production Écrite Cas des apprenants de 1ère AM / CEM BELARBI Babouche-Bordj-Bou- Arreridj(جامعة محمد البشير الابراهيمي - برج بوعريريج -, 2023) krachni ikram, saufu samira; harizi yamna;Toute acquisition d’une langue étrangère nécessite la maitrise des quatre compétences de base, essentielles dans la didactique des langues étrangères entre autres : la compétence écrite, qui, une fois acquise, permet à l’apprenant de rédiger un texte cohérent, structuré à travers lequel il tente de véhiculer un message aux autres. En effet, la production écrite requiert un certain nombre de de compétences, à savoir : la compétence grammaticale, que nous avons tenté de développer et d’analyser au fur et à mesure de notre recherche,. Dans l'objectif de souligner l’importance de s’approprier une compétence grammaticale dans ce palier déterminant qui représente le point de départ de l’apprentissage d'un écrit normé chez les apprenants des 1AM et par là, repérer les différentes difficultés qui les empêchent d’avoir un écrit normé dans un style raffiné lors des différentes occasions d’écriture. Dans la même perspective, nous avons mis l’accent sur l’apport l’introduction des TICE comme solution adéquate qui motive les apprenants et aide les enseignants à réaliser la séance de production écrite plus efficacement.Item Analyse des erreurs grammaticales en production écrite chez les apprenants du FLE Cas des élèves de 1 ère année du cycle moyen, CEM Medjdoub Mokrane à Ras El Oued-BBA(جامعة محمد البشير الابراهيمي - برج بوعريريج -, 2023) douma aya, belhadad rayane;Lors de l’apprentissage des langues étrangères nous sommes confrontés à de nombreuses difficultés, en particulier, lors de la production écrites, ou l’apprenant peut faire une variété d’erreurs. Ce travail a pour objectif d’analyser des erreurs grammaticales dans la production écrite, et connaissant le rôle de grammaire dans l’établissement d’une expression correcte et l’exploitation des erreurs comme un outil et un point de départ pour l’apprentissageItem Binôme (texte image ) comme un moyen(جامعة محمد البشير الابراهيمي -برج بوعريريج, 2019) مالكي ايمان, ساهة دنياItem Book tube, moyen de motivation à la lecture Cas des étudiants de troisième année PES à l’ENS –EL EULMA(جامعة محمد البشير الابراهيمي - برج بوعريريج -, 2023) زدام كوثر, زروال كنزة; موالي ايناس;La technologie transforme l’éducation, bouleversant la façon, le moment et l’endroit et avec l’apparition d’internet, des réseaux sociaux en général, le domaine d’éducation a subi un changement distinctif et indéniable très profond, les nouvelles technologies occupent un rang très indispensable, primordial dans la progression et l’épanouissement du monde d’enseignement/ apprentissage. Dans ce présent travail de recherche nous avons tenté d’attirer l’attention et de mettre le point sur la place grandissante et dominante occupée par le visionnage de vidéos « You Tube » dans leurs loisirs (OCTOBRE,2009. FONTAR , KREDENS ,2010) , en révélant en parallèle une baisse des habitudes de lecture , les deux médias que sont la vidéos , le livres semblent au premier abord opposés , voire incompatibles . Pourtant, des communautés de lecteurs ont vu le jour grâce à « You Tube ». Des « Book- tubes » (néologisme formé de la contraction de « book », livre en anglais et « You Tube » nom de support, des présentations à travers les vidéos par les lecteurs passionnés et qui peuvent être mise en ligne et partagés aussi. Cette étude est effectuée afin d’analyser les connaissances et les opinions que les adolescents plus précisément les étudiants universitaires, se font des « Book tubes » pour démontrer l’utilité et la pertinence de ce récent dispositif et de cette pratique culturelle et littéraire , par rapport à une activité souvent délaissée, la lecture. Pour cela, notre enquête quantitative a été menée auprès d’un groupe de 18 étudiants des P.E.S à l’école normale supérieure de Sétif, connaisseurs ou non des « Book tubes » par un questionnaire distribué. Nos résultats révèlent que les Book tubes sont encore largement méconnus par ces jeunes , alors que You Tube est un média qu’ils utilisent et apprécient, ce dernier reste sans incidence sur leur choix de lecture, entre usages personnels et usages scolaires, les Book tubes renouvellent malgré tout renouvellent la critique littéraire et lui donnant un aspect et une impression moderne et un peu plus divertissante. Pour conclure, ces résultats enrichissent la réflexion et la pratique professionnelle des profs et des gens documentalistes dans le cadre d’incitation à la lecture et de la « mise en oeuvre de projets qui stimulent l’intérêt pour la lecture.Item The Characteristics of a good and an Effective Teacher(جامعة محمد البشير الابراهيمي - برج بوعريريج -, 2022) OULBANI Amina, MEHABA Kenza;t No one can deny that teachers play a fundamental role in the lives of their students. Nothing can be compared with their influence on the students‟ academic performance by providing them with both knowledge and skills. Therefore, this research work attempted to examine some of the teachers‟ personal and professional traits, their processes, and instructional strategies that they use and follow to lead teaching effectiveness and students‟ success, in addition to their positive impact on students‟ achievements. The central objectives of this research are to get significant answers to the questions of our study; accordingly, this research used a methodology that allowed gathering information using the mixed method approach. The data resulted from this study is related to what researchers pointed out and demonstrated and how students actually think of those educators. To answer the mentioned questions, a useful organized questionnaire was developed to explore master 1 English student‟s expectations on the subject matter. We deduced that students have different perceptions regarding the field of teaching efficacy. Nevertheless, the majority of them agreed with the importance of the effectiveness of teachers in the classroom and demonstrated that a lot of intelligent educators can make them brilliant just by following the right dimensions of competence. Ultimately, based on the findings of the present study and the reviewed literature, many recommendations and suggestions were madeItem Comment faire acquérir un vocabulaire actif ? Cas des apprenants 1ère année secondaire au lycée Abdelhak Benhammouda El-mehir(جامعة محمد البشير الابراهيمي - برج بوعريريج -, 2023) samira debouche, assia debouche; lynda debouche;Notre recherche porte sur enseignement / apprentissage du vocabulaire de la langue française, qui occupe une place prépondérante. Pour apprendre ce vocabulaire, différentes stratégies, méthodes et techniques doivent être utilisées. Dans la première partie théorique de notre étude, nous abordons le vocabulaire, le lexique. Nous examinons également les approches, moyens et techniques qui caractérisent ; enseignement du français langue étrangère (FLE) en Algérie. La deuxième partie, qui constitue la mise en pratique concrète de notre travail de recherche, présente une enquête par questionnaire adressée aux enseignements du lycée ; ainsi qu’une observation de séquences pédagogiques réalisées avec des élèves de première année secondaire . En somme, ce travail vise à répondre à des hypothèses formulées au départ, en lien avec notre problématique de recherche.Item Contact des langues (Français/Anglais) à l’école primaire en Algérie. Cas des apprenants de 3e année primaire Ecole CHENNEH Lamri à Ras El Oued(جامعة محمد البشير الابراهيمي - برج بوعريريج -, 2023) betiche souhayer, belalmi hadjer; ferahtia amel;Our research focuses on the simultaneous teaching/learning of two foreign languages in the primary cycle, in particular English and French. It is also interested in showing the impact of English on French in the various oral and written activities. We tried to verify if the contribution of English influences the learning of learners of the French language and how its effects manifest. Methodologically, we have opted for: -A description and analysis of the two activities of oral expression and sound reading in order to obtain the necessary data on the impact of the two foreign languages on the learner’s learning. -A questionnaire intended for French teachers to determine and verify to what extent English can influence the learning of French as a foreign, new language in a course presented for the students of the third year in the primary cycle. Through our study, we have come to clarify the similarity and the difference between these two language systems. We resolved that English may have influenced the learning of French. Its impact can be positive or negative depending on the objective of its user. It also aims to strengthen its language system and in some cases, it facilitates the task for the teacher either at the graphic or phonetic level.Item Difficultés de l’apprentissage de l’oral au cycle moyen : Cas des élèves de 2ème Année moyenne du(جامعة محمد البشير الابراهيمي - برج بوعريريج -, 2023) ayadi abdelhalim, kihel issam; belazoug salim;We have carried out this research work with the objective of trying to highlight the issues related to speaking in a French as a Foreign Language ( FLE ) class in order to improve oral language skills among students in the 2nd year of middle school. We have attempted to diagnose the problems that prevent learners from speaking and have also tried to propose solutions to address the majority of these shortcomings. We have also emphasized the role of the teacher in assisting students and how it could positively influence their motivation to speak freely in order to improve their oral proficiency and overcome their difficulties in both comprehension and production of the language.Item Difficultés de la production écrite en classe du FLE Cas des élèves de la 1ère année moyenne du CEM Rabah Sakhara à Ain Tassera Daïra de Ras-El-oued(جامعة محمد البشير الابراهيمي برج بوعريريج, 2017) : BOUADI ABDELWAHAB, : AISSI YAZID;Item THE EFFECT OF COOPERATIVE LEARNING ON EFL LEARNERS’ SPEAKING SKILL The Case of Third Year EFL Students at the University of Bordj Bou Arreridj(جامعة محمد البشير الابراهيمي - برج بوعريريج -, 2023) Khaoula BENSAOUCHA, Wafa BOUROUBA;The purpose of the present study is to explore the effect of cooperative learning on third year EFL students' speaking skill. The study covers 214 third-year BMD students at the English department at the University of Bordj Bou Arreridj during the academic year 2022-2023, the sample has worked with consists of 86 students randomly selected with a percentage of 40%. We adopted a descriptive method to seek to describe the two variables: cooperative learning and the speaking skill, and we use both teachers’ and students' questionnaires and classroom observation as tools to collect the needed data.The research results have revealed that both teachers and students have a positive attitude towards the implementation of cooperative learning in the classroom, as to increase students' use of language, through interacting with their classmates, which affects their speaking skill positively. Finally, some suggestions and recommendations are presented for both students and teachersItem The Effect of Integrating the PechaKucha Presentation technique in EFL Classes to Promote Students’ Speaking Performance(جامعة محمد البشير الابراهيمي - برج بوعريريج -, 2022) Hadil BELBAGRA, Meroua BENYAHIA;The research was carried out to explore the effect of implementing PechaKucha presentation in optimizing EFL learners' speaking performance. The participants were first-year EFL master's students at Mohammed El-Bachir El-Ibrahimi University of Bordj Bou Arréridj – Algeria. The study sample consisted of 20 participants who were assigned into two groups of ten participants in each group; the experimental and the control groups. The first group (N=10) used the PechaKucha technique in their presentations, whereas the other group (N=10) received no manipulation. The research was quasi-experimental, it involved the use of pre and post-closedended questionnaires. The aim of the pre-QQ was to determine the reported informants’ level before conducting the experiment, while the post-QQ was used to depict any difference in level, after the treatment. Moreover, a structured observation with specified criteria was used, aiming at assessing the learners' speaking performance by decoding their verbal and non-verbal interactions. The collected data were analyzed statistically using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). The two groups displayed similar performance in the pre-QQ, however, the results of the structured observations showed that the mean scores of the learners' presentations increased from before and after the PechaKucha intrusion. It was also reflected in the post questionnaire results which revealed a significant difference in the reported participants’ level. Based on these findings, we suggested that there is a positive correlation between the PechaKucha presentation technique and EFL learners’ speaking performance.Item The Effect of Language Transfer on EFL Learners’ Written Production The Case Study of First-Year EFL Students at EL Bachir El Ibrahimi University, BBA(جامعة محمد البشير الابراهيمي - برج بوعريريج -, 2022) Aissaoui Loubna, Yazid Selma;t The present dissertation attempts to investigate the impact of language transfer on EFL students’ written production. The purpose of this study is to shed light on the issue of first language transfer among first-year university students’ writing at the Department of English, Mohamed ElBachir ElIbrahimi, University of Bordj Bou Arreridj. In order to answer the research question: "How does language transfer affect first-year students’ writing?", a mixed method was employed. Therefore, data was collected using two online questionnaires completed by 102 students and 5 teachers of the written expression module at the English Department, aiming to explore their opinions about the effect of the language on English writing. Furthermore, 90 short paragraphs written by first-year students were used to obtain more accurate data. The findings revealed that first-year EFL students face a variety of hindrances, namely poor vocabulary, grammar, and language transfer. This latter, is the most evident; students use their first language when writing on numerous levels, including grammatical, semantic, and lexical. They also adapted the structure of their own language (Arabic) to English. The majority of errors in learners’ performances are caused by their first language transfer.Item The Effect of LanguageAnxiety on EFL Students’ Speaking Performance(جامعة محمد البشير الابراهيمي - برج بوعريريج -, 2022) Benzid Yamena, Bechami Madjeda;During the process of learning English as a foreign language, students face a problem called” anxiety”. The purpose of this study is to identify the main causes behind anxiety, clarify the impact of anxiety on students' performance, and provide teachers and learners with certain strategies that either help students cope with language anxiety or will be beneficial to improve their speaking. To reach these objectives, a case study research was conducted at El Bachir El Ibrahimi university (Bordj Bou Arreridj) relying on several sources and research instruments for data collection. A questionnaire was designed for a sample of 80 students with second-year bachelor. The findings of this study have shown that the majority of learners experienced a certain level of language anxiety. The results prove the hypothesis, which states that when second-year students are aware of their anxiety and have techniques and strategies, they will cope with anxiety and we conclude our research study by giving some recommendations to students, teachers, and the administrationItem The Effect of Mother Tongue Interference on EFL Learners’ Writing . The Case of First Year Learners at Mohamed El Bachir El Ibrahimi University(جامعة محمد البشير الابراهيمي - برج بوعريريج -, 2022) Tiet Louiza, Laieb Nabila;The current research aims at shedding light on the effect of interfering the first language in developing English writing competence of first year English students at the University of Mohammed El Bachir El Ibrahimi. This study aims to identify the challenges that learners have when learning the English language, mainly in writing. One of the key goals of both teachers and students in this regard is to achieve a satisfactory level of writing in English. Many students, on the other hand, are unable to write well due to difficulties in writing caused by mother tongue interference. Therefore, the aim of this study is to find out whether students’ problems and difficulties are caused by their mother tongue interference. In order to fulfill the aim of the study, this research was conducted through a qualitative method for the semi-structured interview with 3 written expression teachers at the University of Mohammed El Bachir El Ibrahimi, to ask them about the way they use to identify learners’ writing level, the essential causes and different types of errors made by1st year learners, ended with some suggestions to prevent this type of problem. In Addition to that, the quantitative method was applied through the two (02) practical tests to explore the influence of mother tongue (Arabic) on grammatical components cloistered and analyzed through70 paragraphs about any accident that happened to students in the past, and 15 sentences to be translated from Arabic (mother tongue) to English (target language) written by 1st year EFL learners at Mohammed El Bachir El Ibrahimi University. Results showed that 1st year students do rely on their mother tongue (Arabic) more than using English in writing; this was illustrated by different types of errors committed during their writing process. This problem affects learners’ writing level as well as their linguistic competence. The findings show that the more learners use L1 in their writing, the more they commit errors and this will affect their writing performance. Thus, learners' level would not developItem The Effect of Non-Native Teachers’ of English Accents on Freshmen Students’ Listening Comprehension(جامعة محمد البشير الابراهيمي - برج بوعريريج -, 2022) Mohamed SAIDANI, Bilel TADJIN;ct Learning a new language requires four language skills (Listening, speaking, reading, and writing). Listening is considered as a core skill in the process of acquiring a language, be it a native language, a second language or a foreign one. The present study sought to investigate the effect of using native-accent and non-native accent on EFL students’ listening comprehension. A mixed method was employed to achieve the aims of this study. As for the methodological tools, a questionnaire was used to collect the relevant data from a random sample of 71 freshmen students out of 298 at the department of English. On top of that, an observation was carried out for five sessions with five different freshmen teachers. The results revealed that freshmen students face a number of issues, namely in relation to their teachers’ pronunciation and accent, which go along with what has been introduced in previous studies, as they have highlighted the importance of NEST in improving students’ listening comprehension. Our findings also showed that students’ exposure to NNEST pose a variety of difficulties, which revolve around their listening comprehension and their overall understanding of Native English speakers’ accents. This confirms our hypothesis and underlines the key points that teachers need to focus on, namely improving their pronunciations and accents.Item The Effect of Using Games on EFL Young Learners’ Vocabulary The Case of Third Year Middle School Learners(جامعة محمد البشير الابراهيمي - برج بوعريريج -, 2022) Guedrour Nour El Houda, Missour Sirine;t In learning any language, vocabulary is both the most important and the hardest skill to master. As a result, teachers should be aware of the techniques they use to help their students, in our sample third-year middle school students, in solving issues and enhancing their understanding of foreign language items. The purpose of this study is to see how effective games are in helping students learn English vocabulary. In other words, this study aims at exploring the relation between using language games and vocabulary development for third year middle school pupils. To achieve the mentioned objectives a study is conducted; it is based on the analysis of data gathered from a questionnaire devoted to teachers, and interview for pupils. Moreover, the questionnaire explores teacher’s perception to the usefulness of games as a technique for teaching vocabulary; whereas, the interview collects information about their reaction. Finally, language games should be used in the study of English vocabulary in order to develop students' results and achievements.Item Effective Classroom Management to Promote EFL Learners’ Achievement” The Case of second Year Pupils at BENTOUATI LAARBI Middle School in BORDJ BOU ARRERIDJ(جامعة محمد البشير الابراهيمي - برج بوعريريج -, 2022) Fredj Romaissa, Ziani Halima;This dissertation aims at exploring the effectiveness of classroom management on pupils’ achievement at Laarbi Touati middle school in Bordj Bou Arreridj, Algeria. This study applied descriptive qualitative approach. To collect authentic data, a questionnaire and a classroom observation were employed with random samples that consisted of three teachers of English and 26 second year middle school pupils. The collected data were analysed qualitatively, and the obtained results revealed that an effective classroom management needs always the implementation of appropriate techniques and strategies to enhance pupils’ achievement in learning English as a foreign language. Keywords: classroom management, pupils, teacher, achievement, classroom atmosphereItem The Effectiveness of Using Multimedia in Teaching English Vocabulary to Young Pupils The Case of Third Year Pupils of Gasmi Saleh Primary School(جامعة محمد البشير الابراهيمي - برج بوعريريج -, 2023) Benyahia Widad Saadia, Rouabeh Megdouda; Bouabta Assma;This study aims to examine the effectiveness of using multimedia in teaching English as a foreign language to primary school students. The study sample consists of 71 primary school pupils who are between the age of seven and nine, in Gasmi Saleh primary school in Al’Anasser. The sample of the study is divided into two groups: One is a control group which is taught by a traditional method and the second is an experimental group taught by using multimedia. To find out whether the use of multimedia as a teaching technique would have an effect on the performance of the experimental group compared to the control group, the researchers used a post-test only control group design to compare the performances of the two groups. After the treatment, a post-test that focused on vocabulary was administered to the two groups, and the results were compared using inferential statistics; an independent samples t-test was run between the means of the two groups to find out whether statistically significant differences exist between them. In addition, as a second tool, classroom observation was conducted based on specific criteria in order to observe the participants’ reactions to the treatment. The results suggest that the use of multimedia as a teaching technique is effective in improving the young pupils' learning of vocabulary. The observation we conducted added support to this finding, as positive reactions were observed in the experimental group’s behaviours during the lessonsItem EFL Learners’ Perceptions and Attitudes Towards the Effect of Corrective Feedback on their Writing Skills : Case of Third Year Students LMD in Bordj Bou Arreridj University(جامعة محمد البشير الابراهيمي - برج بوعريريج -, 2023) Asma Azib, Tahar Allouani;ABSTRACT The present study aimed to find out EFL learners‟ perceptions and attitudes towards the effect of written corrective feedback on their writing skill. To achieve the objective of the study, a descriptive research design was applied, and a mixed questionnaire was conveniently distributed to 100 third year students of English at Mohamed El Bachir El Ibrahimi University in Bordj Bou Arreridj.The numerical data collected using close-ended questions were analyzed quantitatively by frequencies and percentages, while qualitatively data collected using open-ended questions were analyzed thematically. The findings indicated that the participants perceive and feel that written corrective feedback has positive effect on their writing skill. The results also showed that students believe that direct and focused types of feedback can enhance their writing performance especially their grammar, vocabulary, structure and academic style. These results could make a significant contribution to the field of written corrective feedback (WCF), particularly in the context of teaching writing skills. However, further research is still necessary to determine the extent to which WCF can influence learners' writing accuracy and performance. Keywords: Attitudes, direct feedback, EFL learners, focused feedback, perceptions, writing skill, written corrective feedback.