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Item دراسة أسلوبية لقصيدة ذكريات وعهود لعلال الفاسي غازي فاطمة ماستر(جامعة محمد البشير الابراهيمي, 2022) غازي فطيمةتعتبر قصيدة "ذكريات وعهود" "لعلال الفاسي" قصيدة صوّر فيها الشّاعر حالته النفسيّة والشعورية من يأس ومعاناة وقهر جراء نفيه من وطنه وبعده عن أهله وأحبته، فعبر فيها عن حبه وحنينه واشتياقه إلى وطنه. وقد ارتأينا أن نعالج هذا النّص أسلوبيا بما يحتويه من الظواهر اللّغوية والأسلوبية، لأنّ المنهج الأسلوبي يعتمد على التحليل والتفسير. ولتحقيق الموصول إلى إنجاز هذا الموضوع وضعنا خطة تكونت من مقدمة وفصلين فصل نظري وفصل تطبيقي وخاتمة، وتوصلنا فيها إلى جملة من النتائج العلمية المنطقية والموضوعية، ثم قائمة المصادر والمراجع التي استفدنا منها. Summary: Dikrayat wa Amand", for Allal El Fasi, is a poem in which the poet depects his psychological and emotional state of despair, distress and oppression because of his exile from his homeland and hiring away from his lovers and family. In this poem, El fasi expressed his love, musing and nostalgia to his home hand. We have de cided to treat this text as it includes linguistic and stylistic features because the stylistic approach depends on analysis and interpretation In order to achieve our objective in this topic, we developed a plan that is consisted of: an introduction, two chapters; a theoritical chapter and a practical one, and a conclusion in which we got ont with a number of logical, scientific and ohective results, then, a hist of the sources and the referenees that we rehiedon.Item The Socio-cultural Factors Impact on EFL Learners’ Oral Performance Case Study: 4th Year Ms(جامعة محمد البشير الابراهيمي - برج بوعريريج -, 2022) CHADI Amel, BENCHIKH Rania;The present thesis is a total of three chapters aiming to investigate the socio-cultural background of 4MS pupils in speaking English. The social cultural background of the pupils is at the very core of this study and thus success factors of speaking EFL are examined from a socio-cultural vantage. The process of socialisation therefore plays a very important role in shaping the learner‟s own experience in different fields, especially in that of foreign language speaking. It starts at home and extends to later stages of life, as the individual steps out to the world of peers in the neighbourhood and at School. So in all these social institutions, the learner is exposed to a lot of experiences that might affect his or her performance either positively or negatively. First of all, at home, the family‟s economic and educational status affects the socialisation of the learner through preparing him from the early days of childhood to meet the expectations of school life. In our case, improving his oral performance mainly in English. Besides, the impact of the surrounding environment and school is primary important since it is there where young yearners pick up more and more social and cultural views that can enhance their oral performance. Through a questionnaire administered to 65 pupils, this work has been conducted. The results of this study shows that pupils living in culturally and economically impoverished environments have a bad oral performance in English. This failure is not only due to the family but also a host of factors such as the neighbourhood as wellItem Theme The difficulties facing English learners in oral(جامعة محمد البشير الابراهيمي - برج بوعريريج -, 2022) ZAIR Chahinez, RAOULI Houda;The present study aims to depict the speaking difficulties that affect EFL learners’ oral performance at Middle school , Third year students Annasser ( Bordj Bou Arreridj ) . Throughout this study we hypothesize that students encounter a number of obstacles like linguistic problems, psychological problems, or the learners’ bad attitudes towards the topic…etc. These obstacles prevent them from improving their oral skill. In order to confirm the previous hypotheses, we investigated the case of third year students at Middle school and the teachers of the English language at the same level . We have used more than one research tool; a questionnaire, an interview, and a classroom observation. The data obtained from the research tools indicate that there are some factors affect the students’ oral performance in learning English as a Foreign language . As the last step, the data suggests some techniques and activities that help students effectively to face their speaking problems, as it provides some advice for both learners and teacher for a successful oral performance in teaching and learning EnglishItem the role of project worm(جامعة محمد البشير الابراهيمي - برج بوعريريج -, 2022) Bariza Boussaada, Sana Belagraa;The skills needed for the new generation make them use their technical potentials to learn how and where to search for knowledge. Current trends in teaching/ learning have advocated the use of project work (PW) as a pedagogical activity to foster 21st century students’ motivation. Project-based learning (PBL) is an instructional approach designed to meet the needs of today’s students, give students the opportunity to develop knowledge and skills through engaging projects set around challenges and problems they may face in the real world in an autonomous manner. It is also one of the student-centered approaches that have been highly recommended in the new Algerian educational reforms. Thus, the present study delves into PW and intrinsic motivation. It investigates the attitudes of Algerian students and teachers towards the use of PBL, and its role in enhancing the intrinsic motivation level of 4th year middle school (MS) students at Medjili Brothers’ MS in BBA (with some4th year MS teachers of English ) belonging to the Third District. It seeks to determine the roles teachers can perform within PBL and whether students and teachers prefer using PBL in their classrooms over teacher-centered approaches to learning. In this research, teachers’ and students’ questionnaires were used as tools to collect data and to test the hypotheses that that both teachers and students may show positive perceptions towards the use of PBL to foster the students’ intrinsic motivation. The findings revealed that 4th year MS students and teachers hold favorable attitudes on behalf of this new method (as far as the Algerian context is concerned) to boost the learning motivation, collaboration and critical thinking skills. At last, since PW is a fundamen tal aspect of learning/ teaching, we recommend that it should be undertaken through motivation, interest and encouragement to unblock the various gateways of learners’ motivation, cooperation and creative thinking.Item THE ISSUES FACING EFL MASTER’S STUDENTS IN UNDERSTANDING AND APPLYING RESEARCH METHODOLOGY(جامعة محمد البشير الابراهيمي - برج بوعريريج -, 2022) CHELLABI MANEL, DJEMAOUNE MERIEM;Conducting effective research is very essential for writing a dissertation, since this latter requires a valuable set of planning and research skills. However, it is not an easy task to be accomplished, as beginners researchers, students encountered many obstacles due to the complexity of the research, which is a mix between two skills; academic writing and methodological skills. The current study examines the issues facing EFL Master two Students at Mohamed El Bashir El Ibrahimi University in understanding and conducting research process, during the academic year 2021/2022. In addition, it aims at addressing the main factors that affect the progress of the dissertation. In this descriptive inquiry, the data collection tools were two questionnaires assigned to a sample of 23 master two English students, and 7 teachers at the department of foreign languages at Bordj Bouarreridj University. The questionnaires revealed that, students have limited ability of understanding research skills .in addition students faced problems with choosing good topic for their dissertation. Furthermore, they complained about the limited time they have to write their dissertations. All of these factors have an impact on the dissertation writing process.Item The influence of ICT in EFL Teaching/learning motivation: The Case of First year didactics master students of English Department at El Bachir El Ibrahimi University – Bordj Bou Arreridj(جامعة محمد البشير الابراهيمي - برج بوعريريج -, 2022) Aya HADAD, . Lidia BEKKAI; Zina DAHMANI;This research aims to examine, from different points of view, the impact of the integration of new technologies on the motivation of students of English as a foreign language (EFL). It is based on two experiments carried out with classes of EFL, in order to uncover the motivation from the perceptions of the students and the direct observation of the class. The aim of these studies is to report on the impact of the use of ICT on the one hand on the motivation of students and on the other hand to develop their level. 1. French La réalisation de notre recherche a eu pour objectif d’analyser, sous différents plans, l’influence de l’exploitation des nouvelles technologies (TICE) sur le processus motivationnel des apprenants de la langue Anglaise (EFL) au sein de notre l’université Bachir El-ibrahimi - Bordj Bou Arreridj. En effet, afin de répondre a notre problématique, nous avons élaboré deux expérimentations réalisées auprès des classes de 1ere année master, afin pour découvrir la motivation selon la perception des apprenants et de l’observation directe de la classe. Le but à travers notre travail est de mettre en valeur l’impact de l’utilisation des TICES sur la motivation des apprenants mais surtout sur le développement de leurs compétences langagièresItem The Impacts of Socio-Psychological Factors on EFL Learners’ Oral Performance: The Case of Mohamed El Bachir EL Ibrahimi’s Third-Year EFL Learners.(جامعة محمد البشير الابراهيمي - برج بوعريريج -, 2022) Benmessahel Romaissa, Benhamimid Abdennour;In language teaching and learning, many factors influence the development of the EFL learners’ oral performance, includingthe socio-psychological factors represented by: motivation, anxiety and classroom environment. This research, therefore, seeks to explore the impact of these factors on third-year EFL learners’ oral performancein the English department at Mohamed El Bachir El Ibrahimi University, as it seeks suggesting possible solutions that may be helpful to overcome these factors. This descriptive investigation was carried out by the administration of a questionnaire to a sample of third-year students (N=88)out of (N=230) by 38%. The obtained results were analysed quantitativelyby (SPSS) program. The findings of the study indicated that the majority of EFL learners’ poor speaking performance is due to the socio-psychological factors such as anxiety, lack of motivation and classroom environment. Likewise, the studypoints out that these factors can have more impact on speaking than any other language skill. Based on these results, the hypotheses were confirmed and some recommendations were put forward, including:the teachers’ requirement in considering these socio-psychological factors toward the learning process and improving their students’ speaking skills. In addition to the requisite of EFL learners to be motivated and to be more confident to preform orally in better way through creating an active, pleasant and supportive classroom atmosphere. As for University of Mohamed El Bachir El Ibrahimi, there are a number of obstacles and challenges that had a significant impact on students and that must be taken into consideration, significantly, providing suitable conditions for opening up to the other universities and to the world as a whole.Item The Impact of Social Media on EFL University Students’ Learning Performances during COVID-19 pandemic in Algeria. The Case of Third Year EFL Student at the University of BBA(جامعة محمد البشير الابراهيمي - برج بوعريريج -, 2022) Boutaghane Meriem, Benterkia Souhila;The current study attempts to tackle the impacts of social media on Third year EFL students at Bordj Bou Arreridj University during COVID-19 pandemic. It focuses on the way students of third year are exploiting social media to acquire their English language skills, improve their learning performance through using several applications: Facebook, YouTube, WhatsApp, and Twitter. Due to the spread of the pandemic, the learning system has changed which affected the students’ performance to master the English language appropriately inside classrooms. Having said that, social media is an essential means that facilitates the learning process to both learners and teachers. Therefore, the aim of this study is to find out if the students were affected negatively or positively on their learning process through the use of social media during the COVID-19 pandemic, and how social media contributes to EFL students. This study has been carried using a quantitative questionnaire administered to 144 EFL third-year students at Mohammad El Bachir El Ibrahimi University to ask them about their perceptions towards the use of social media in promoting their learning performance. In addition, a qualitative interview was conducted with 9 (male, female) students; it was applied to determine the impacts of using social media on third-year EFL university students’ learning performances during the COVID-19 pandemic. In our study, third year EFL students used social media applications in a beneficial way, they were impacted positively by the adoption of social media in learning English language. So, students’ learning performances were improved. Also, The COVID-19 pendamic affected their English language capacities positively. Using social media in English language learning among EFL university students during COVID-19 pandemic helps them in the acquisition of English Language. Social Media has a positive impact on students’ learning performances during the distance learning process. This in turn confirms our hypothesis, and pinpoints the main changes teachers might consider applying to ensure the success of the teaching / learning processItem The Effect of Using Games on EFL Young Learners’ Vocabulary The Case of Third Year Middle School Learners(جامعة محمد البشير الابراهيمي - برج بوعريريج -, 2022) Guedrour Nour El Houda, Missour Sirine;t In learning any language, vocabulary is both the most important and the hardest skill to master. As a result, teachers should be aware of the techniques they use to help their students, in our sample third-year middle school students, in solving issues and enhancing their understanding of foreign language items. The purpose of this study is to see how effective games are in helping students learn English vocabulary. In other words, this study aims at exploring the relation between using language games and vocabulary development for third year middle school pupils. To achieve the mentioned objectives a study is conducted; it is based on the analysis of data gathered from a questionnaire devoted to teachers, and interview for pupils. Moreover, the questionnaire explores teacher’s perception to the usefulness of games as a technique for teaching vocabulary; whereas, the interview collects information about their reaction. Finally, language games should be used in the study of English vocabulary in order to develop students' results and achievements.Item The Effect of Non-Native Teachers’ of English Accents on Freshmen Students’ Listening Comprehension(جامعة محمد البشير الابراهيمي - برج بوعريريج -, 2022) Mohamed SAIDANI, Bilel TADJIN;ct Learning a new language requires four language skills (Listening, speaking, reading, and writing). Listening is considered as a core skill in the process of acquiring a language, be it a native language, a second language or a foreign one. The present study sought to investigate the effect of using native-accent and non-native accent on EFL students’ listening comprehension. A mixed method was employed to achieve the aims of this study. As for the methodological tools, a questionnaire was used to collect the relevant data from a random sample of 71 freshmen students out of 298 at the department of English. On top of that, an observation was carried out for five sessions with five different freshmen teachers. The results revealed that freshmen students face a number of issues, namely in relation to their teachers’ pronunciation and accent, which go along with what has been introduced in previous studies, as they have highlighted the importance of NEST in improving students’ listening comprehension. Our findings also showed that students’ exposure to NNEST pose a variety of difficulties, which revolve around their listening comprehension and their overall understanding of Native English speakers’ accents. This confirms our hypothesis and underlines the key points that teachers need to focus on, namely improving their pronunciations and accents.