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Item The Suitablility of the Third-Year Primary School English Textbook to the Algerian Learners : the Case of Primary School Learner at the City of Bouira(جامعة محمد البشير الابراهيمي, 2023) iman bouali, ikram zidani;This study explores the critical issue of the suitability of English textbooks to primary School learners in Algeria. The quality of English textbooks plays a pivotal role in shaping students' language proficiency and cognitive development during their formative years. This investigation employs a mixed method approach, combining qualitative and quantitative data collection tools, including interviews, textbook evaluation checklist, and learner’s profile forms. The study evaluates the alignment of the textbook with the curriculum standards, their readability, cultural relevance, and pedagogical effectiveness. Furthermore, it investigates the perceptions of teachers and students regarding the appropriateness of this particular textbook. Preliminary findings suggest that while English textbooks have improved over the years, there remains a need for ongoing assessment and adaptation to better cater to the diverse learning needs of primary school learners. This research provides valuable insights for educational authorities, curriculum developers, and educators to enhance the suitability of English language textbooks in the primary school level, ultimately leading to a more effective English language learning environment. Key words: textbook evaluation, checklist, third year primary school pupils, and the physical and academic aspects evaluation.Item Les stratégies de la lecture dans la compréhension de l’écrit Cas de deuxième année moyenne Établissement de Bel Aazougue Ali- Bordj-Bou- Arreridj(جامعة محمد البشير الابراهيمي, 2023) Bouaouina Sara, Alloune wafa;Une bonne compréhension de l'écrit permet aux apprenants d'analyser et de comprendre s les informations présentées dans les textes, ce qui est crucial pour leur réussite scolaire. En identifiant les méthodes d'enseignement de la lecture les plus efficaces, cette recherche peut contribuer à améliorer la qualité de l'enseignement de la lecture et à renforcer les compétences en lecture des apprenants de 2AM.L'objectif de ce thème de recherche est d'étudier comment l'utilisation de différentes stratégies de lecture peut améliorer la compréhension de l'écrit chez les apprenants de 2AM. Il s'agit de déterminer quelles sont les stratégies les plus efficaces pour aider ces apprenants à interagir activement avec le texte, à en extraire le sens et à développer leur compréhension globale. Cette recherche vise à identifier des méthodes d'enseignement de la lecture qui permettent aux apprenants de mieux comprendre et d'analyser les textes écrits, ce qui peut contribuer à leur développement académique et à leur réussite scolaire. Enfin Cette recherche revêt une grande importance car la lecture est une compétence fondamentale pour le développement académique des apprenants. Une bonne compréhension de l'écrit leur permet d'analyser et de comprendre les informations présentées dans les textes, ce qui est essentiel pour leur réussite scolaire. Mots clés : stratégies de lecture - la lecture- apprenants-la compréhension de l'écrit Abstract: A good understanding of written text allows learners to analyze and comprehend the information presented in texts, which is crucial for their academic success. By identifying the most effective teaching methods for reading, this research can contribute to improving the quality of reading instruction and strengthening the reading skills of 2AM learners. The objective of this research theme is to study how the use of different reading strategies can enhance reading comprehension among 2AM learners. It aims to determine which strategies are most effective in helping these learners actively engage with the text, extract meaning from it, and develop their overall comprehension. This research aims to identify teaching methods for reading that enable learners to better understand and analyze written texts, which can contribute to their academic development and school success. Finally, this research is of great importance as reading is a fundamental skill for learners' academic development. A good understanding of written text allows them to analyze and comprehend the information presented in texts, which is essential for their academic success.Item Using Educational Games as a Teaching Technique to Develop EFL Learner’s Vocabulary Knowledge The Case Study of First Year Pupils at Lorak Brothers Middle School(جامعة محمد البشير الابراهيمي - برج بوعريريج -, 2023) Rouabah Dounia, Chemakh Zineb; Si Ahmed Khawla;Despite the necessity and relevance of vocabulary in all language, this part of the language actually receives less attention than the other parts of language. As a result, it is less motivating for students to rely solely on their daily routines to improve their vocabulary storage. As the meanings of new words are frequently highlighted, vocabulary learning is seen as both a necessary and challenging component in learning any foreign language. Because of this, teachers of English should employ practical strategies to maintain student’s interest and excitement for language. One of these techniques is to teach vocabulary more efficiently via educational games. Therefore, the goal of the current research study is to investigate the effect of using educational games on learner’s vocabulary knowledge. The research was conducted at Brothers Lourak Middle School in Borj Bou Arreridj. The study population consisted of 125 students and the sample consisted of 44 students who were between the age of twelve and thirteen. It dealt with 1st year EFL pupils and all of them were nonnative speakers. The participants were divided into two groups; a control and an experimental group. The experimental group received instruction through educational games, whereas the control group was instructed through a traditional manner, and both groups were given access to a vocabulary-based test that was presented as a pre-test and a post-test. The investigation was based on a quasi-experimental design. The data was analyzed in order to see whether the findings are positive or negative concerning the effect of educational games as a teaching technique to develop learners’ vocabulary. The findings suggest that using educational games as a teaching technique is effective in enhancing students’ vocabulary. The experimental group outperformed the control group in the post-test, and inferential statistics proved a statistically significant difference between the two groupsItem The Role of the teacher in enhancing the warming up activities and classroom interaction Case study: Third-Year Middle School -Touati Larbi –Bordj Bou Arreridj(جامعة محمد البشير الابراهيمي - برج بوعريريج -, 2023) Sabrina Zouaoui, Houda far; Warda Atamn;The aim of this study is to investigate the role of teachers in enhancing warming up activities and classroom interaction. The current inquiry entails an exploratory design which comprises a quantitative method. The research sample embraces the teacher and the entire population of third year middle school of Touati Larbi (BORDJ BOU ARREIDJ). This study relied on questionnaire in the process of data collection through which participants are requested to answer several questions. This aims at investigating the role of the teacher in enhancing the warming up activities and exploring the reasons why many learners struggle initiating an interaction with their teachers inside the classroom. The results obtained show that both teachers and learners are aware of the importance of integrating warm up activities in enhancing learner’s teacher interaction and emphasizing the classroom interaction quality in generalItem The implementation of Montessori Method in the Algerian EFL classrooms The case of third year primary classrooms(جامعة محمد البشير الابراهيمي - برج بوعريريج -, 2023) Zeraoul Nesrine, Diaf Chaima; Brahimi Ines;The current study aims to explore the effectiveness of Montessori Method in the Algerian EFL primary classrooms. This research was conducted through mixed method (qualitative and quantitative methods), and the data was collected through Observation and questionnaire. For the observation, the participants were third year EFL primary teacher and her learners, who are 30 students divided into 17 girls and 13 boys, in Saad Saoud El Messoud primary school in Bordj Bou Arreridj, Algeria. The participants of the questionnaire were 30 EFL primary teachers, it is an online questionnaire conducted through Google form platform. The aim of the research is to find out whether the EFL primary teachers are implementing the principles of the MM or not, and to figure out if the manners, actions, and behaviours used by the teacher are appropriate for the learning process or not. However, after the answers of the questionnaire and the 9 hours of observation during 3 months, the authors find out that the MM is not implemented by the EFL primary teachers, because there is no freedom, no choices, and no appropriate materials and environment for the young learners. Thus, the findings encourage the need for the EFL teachers to identify and imitate the aspects of the Montessori MethodItem The Impact of English Subtitled Movies on Developing Learners’ Vocabulary(جامعة محمد البشير الابراهيمي - برج بوعريريج -, 2023) Nasri Rosa, Guebaili Yasmina; Belfar Khawla;Learning new vocabulary compromises a significant factor for success within language learning since, without adequate knowledge of words and their meaning; learners are not able to use the target language efficiently. Moreover, vocabulary tends to be forgotten if it is not acquired and used through the right methods, which will provide learners with language input in a genuine target language environment. In this regard, the increasing access to different multimedia and technology resources facilitates spontaneous vocabulary acquisition for contemporary age learners. In particular, movies with subtitles can be a great tool for bringing students closer to authentic real life communication vocabulary. Previous studies have found several benefits to using subtitled movies by confirming that subtitles indeed improve vocabulary learning. The present research had the aim of determining whether watching English subtitled movies helps students improve their vocabulary, and whether learners find it an engaging and useful tool for developing their vocabulary. The methods used include a questionnaire and an experiment between two groups of learners, where one group watched a movie with subtitles while the other did not. The results of this study indicate that using English subtitled movies as a tool for language learning has been found to be effective for both teachers and learners. This method allows learners to immerse themselves in the language in an engaging way, improving their listening, reading, and vocabulary skills. For teachers, incorporating subtitled movies into lesson plans can create a more dynamic and authentic learning experience, leading to better retention and comprehension of the language. Overall, the use of English subtitled movies is a valuable resource for language learning in both formal and informal settingsItem The Effectiveness of Using Multimedia in Teaching English Vocabulary to Young Pupils The Case of Third Year Pupils of Gasmi Saleh Primary School(جامعة محمد البشير الابراهيمي - برج بوعريريج -, 2023) Benyahia Widad Saadia, Rouabeh Megdouda; Bouabta Assma;This study aims to examine the effectiveness of using multimedia in teaching English as a foreign language to primary school students. The study sample consists of 71 primary school pupils who are between the age of seven and nine, in Gasmi Saleh primary school in Al’Anasser. The sample of the study is divided into two groups: One is a control group which is taught by a traditional method and the second is an experimental group taught by using multimedia. To find out whether the use of multimedia as a teaching technique would have an effect on the performance of the experimental group compared to the control group, the researchers used a post-test only control group design to compare the performances of the two groups. After the treatment, a post-test that focused on vocabulary was administered to the two groups, and the results were compared using inferential statistics; an independent samples t-test was run between the means of the two groups to find out whether statistically significant differences exist between them. In addition, as a second tool, classroom observation was conducted based on specific criteria in order to observe the participants’ reactions to the treatment. The results suggest that the use of multimedia as a teaching technique is effective in improving the young pupils' learning of vocabulary. The observation we conducted added support to this finding, as positive reactions were observed in the experimental group’s behaviours during the lessonsItem THE EFFECT OF COOPERATIVE LEARNING ON EFL LEARNERS’ SPEAKING SKILL The Case of Third Year EFL Students at the University of Bordj Bou Arreridj(جامعة محمد البشير الابراهيمي - برج بوعريريج -, 2023) Khaoula BENSAOUCHA, Wafa BOUROUBA;The purpose of the present study is to explore the effect of cooperative learning on third year EFL students' speaking skill. The study covers 214 third-year BMD students at the English department at the University of Bordj Bou Arreridj during the academic year 2022-2023, the sample has worked with consists of 86 students randomly selected with a percentage of 40%. We adopted a descriptive method to seek to describe the two variables: cooperative learning and the speaking skill, and we use both teachers’ and students' questionnaires and classroom observation as tools to collect the needed data.The research results have revealed that both teachers and students have a positive attitude towards the implementation of cooperative learning in the classroom, as to increase students' use of language, through interacting with their classmates, which affects their speaking skill positively. Finally, some suggestions and recommendations are presented for both students and teachersItem Teachers' perceptions of using songs to acquire new vocabulary The Case of 3rd Year EFL Teachers at Primary Schools(جامعة محمد البشير الابراهيمي - برج بوعريريج -, 2023) Bernou Abdelghani, Kerai Mohammed.;This study explores teachers' perceptions of using songs to acquire new vocabulary. It aims to explore teachers' approaches and practices in using songs for vocabulary instruction and examine the factors influencing their decision to incorporate songs in vocabulary teaching. The study employs a quantitative approach; The study utilizes a questionnaire that includes nine closed-ended and four open-ended questions to gather data from 36 teachers from different cities in Algeria. The quantitative analysis demonstrates a high consensus among participants regarding the significance of teaching new vocabulary words and the effectiveness of using songs to facilitate vocabulary acquisition. The thematic analysis of free-form responses highlights key themes, including the impact of songs on vocabulary acquisition, the engagement and motivation fostered by musical engagement, and the importance of catchy melodies, relevant lyrics, and clear pronunciation. The findings confirm the effectiveness of using songs as a teaching method to enhance vocabulary acquisition. The significance of this study lies in its exploration of teachers' perceptions of using songs to acquire new vocabulary. The study provides valuable insights into the role of songs in language classrooms. Understanding teachers' perceptions of the effectiveness and benefits of using songs for vocabulary acquisition enhances vocabulary learning strategies. It provides valuable insights into the role of songs in the classroom. The findings from this study can inform educators and curriculum developers in optimizing vocabulary instruction by incorporating songs as a pedagogical tooItem Teacher’s Role in Developing EFL Learners’ Interaction Skills Case Study: Second Year EFL Learners, Aissa Hamitouche High Shcool –Bordj Bou Arreridj(جامعة محمد البشير الابراهيمي - برج بوعريريج -, 2023) Nada Bassma, Ben Chikh Soumaya; Barkati Samir;ABSTRACT The current research aims to address the role of teachers and the techniques they use to develop interactive skills for English Language Learners EFL. It also examines the impact of using educational games to stimulate students’ English learning and increases interaction within classroom. The study was conducted on a sample of second-year secondary school students studying foreign languages at Aissa Hamitouche Institution in Bordj Bou Arreridj. To achieve this objective, educational games were used with a sample of 20 males and females students. To answer the study’s questions and test its hypothesis, two instruments were used to conduct this research: a questionnaire that provided information about the methods used by the teachers to develop interactive skills between the teacher and students or among students, and classroom observation that included both students and the teacher. The mixed method was the appropriate approach to accomplish this study. The data analysis was done manually; thematic analysis was employed to analyze qualitative data collected through classroom observation. The study’s results showed significant differences in teacher’s responses regarding the techniques used and the positive impact of using educational games in improving students’ interactive skills. On the other hand, the thematic analysis revealed that most students actively engage with the stimulus technique throughout learning English with educational games, which greatly contributed to enhance their self-confidence. Additionally, most students showed great enthusiasm for participating in educational games with their teacher, especially when asked to answer oral questions or discuss specific ideas.