This work lies with in the scope of study of the national botanical heritagee specially the medicinal
herbsincluding one great part remains still virgin and requires in-depth studies,the nit relates to our objectives
will be around the phytochimic study and the pedological of the plant pinushalpensis Mill.,it is the only species
of family of the pinaceae ,divided in the whole world and primarily around the mediterranean coasts, They are
trees or more rarely of the persistent shrubs, monoïques. In Alegria, it occupies 35% of wooded surface.
Variable outputs were obtained for the various types of extracts (extract of hexane,méthanol and
aqueous) prepared starting from the various bodies (seeds, sheets) of pine of Alep coming from the theree
studied stations. The seeds of the three areas Ghilassa,Ksour and Ouacif gave out puts extracts some with hexane
more important by contribution with the otherextracts from methanol and aqueous.
The screening phytochimic of the plant collected from the three stations (Ghilassa,Ksour and Ouacif)
made it possible to high light the presence of phenols, flavonoides, terpenes, tannins and coumarins.
The results of the analysis of the pH (7.64 to 8.42) of the three studied grounds, are slightly and fairly
basic,it is a fork of the pH currents for the grounds in arid semi areas. This plants also preferred the grounds
saline(ground of Ouacif and Ksour)with avery saline ground (ground of ghilassa),it is resistant species has the
drought (the humidity is low in the Ouacif and Ghilassa area, and averagein the Ksour area),it resists very
ofcoursz the mediterranean coastline,in full sun, it appears even in areas semi-desertiques. The plants analyses
seem beings very rich in organi matter, and a limestone.